Runing the simulator

Running in Docker

If you have docker installed, you can execute the outbreak simulator directly with command

$ docker run -it -v `pwd`:/home/bcmictr bcmictr/outbreak_simulator [OPTIONS]

Here option -v is used to map your current directory to the working directory of the container so that all output will be written to the current directory.

To make the command easier to use and be consistent with a local installation, you can create an alias

$ alias outbreak_simulator="docker run -it -v `pwd`:/home/bcmictr bcmictr/outbreak_simulator"

so that you can execute the docker image directly with command outbreak_simulator.

Running with singularity

If you are using singularity, for example, on a cluster, you can build a singularity image from the latest docker image with command

singularity pull outbreak_simulator.sif docker://bcmictr/outbreak_simulator

You can then run the outbreak simulator with command

singularity run outbreak_simualtor.sif [OPTIONS]

Running the application notebook

We record applications of the outbreak simulator in SoS notebooks which is an extension of Jupyter notebooks that allows the use of multiple kernels (e.g. Python and R) in the same reports.

If you have a Jupyter notebook with SoS kernel installed, you can open the notebooks, modify, and run them. Otherwise, you can start a notebook server using

$ docker run -v `pwd`:/home/jovyan -p 8888:8888 bcmictr/outbreak_simulator_notebook

You should see a URL from the output of the command similar to the following

    Copy/paste this URL into your browser when you connect for the first time,
    to login with a token:

You can then enter the URL in the log message to a browser and start working with a complete SoS environment and the simulator installed.

If you simply want to execute the notebook, you can execute them with command

$ docker run -v `pwd`:/home/jovyan --entrypoint sos bcmictr/outbreak_simulator_notebook \
  convert [NOTEBOOK] [OUTPUT] [OPTIONS] --execute [PARAMETERS]

The command executes the same docker image bcmictr/outbreak_simulator_notebook, however, instead of starting a notebook server, it overrides the entrypoint to execute command

sos convert [NOTEBOOK] [OUTPUT] [OPTIONS] [--execute [PARAMETERS]]

from the container. Here

  • NOTEBOOK is the notebook you would like to execute or convert
  • OUTPUT is the output notebook, or HTML file if you would like to convert the generated notebook to HTML format.
  • --execute tells command sos execute to execute the notebook with sos-papermill
  • OPTIONS are options to command sos execute, which is usually --template sos-report-only or --template sos-report-toc-v2 to specify the style of the output HTML file.
  • PARAMETERS are papermill parameters if the notebook accept parameters. The parameters should be specified as key=value pairs.

For example, if you would like to rerun the notebook Enclosed.ipynb with a larger population size, you can

  • Download FPSO.ipynb from the applications folder of [our github repository](] or checkout the entire repository with command

    git clone
  • Execute the notebook and optionally convert it to HTML format.

    $ cd covid19-outbreak-simulator/applications
    $ docker run -v `pwd`:/home/jovyan --entrypoint sos \
      bcmictr/outbreak_simulator_notebook convert \
      Enclosed.ipynb Enclosed_100.html --template sos-report-only \
      --execute popsize=100

As you can see, the --execute option essentially provides a higher level command line interface for COVID19 Outbreak Simulator for particular types of applications.

Running the simulator locally

If you have installed COVID19 Outbreak Simulator locally, or have created an alias for the docker command, you can get a list of options with option -h as follows:

$  outbreak_simulator -h
usage: outbreak_simulator [-h] [--popsize POPSIZE [POPSIZE ...]]
                          [--track-events TRACK_EVENTS [TRACK_EVENTS ...]]
                          [--vicinity [VICINITY [VICINITY ...]]]
                          [--susceptibility SUSCEPTIBILITY [SUSCEPTIBILITY ...]]
                          [--symptomatic-r0 SYMPTOMATIC_R0 [SYMPTOMATIC_R0 ...]]
                          [--asymptomatic-r0 ASYMPTOMATIC_R0 [ASYMPTOMATIC_R0 ...]]
                          [--symptomatic-transmissibility-model SYMPTOMATIC_TRANSMISSIBILITY_MODEL [SYMPTOMATIC_TRANSMISSIBILITY_MODEL ...]]
                          [--asymptomatic-transmissibility-model ASYMPTOMATIC_TRANSMISSIBILITY_MODEL [ASYMPTOMATIC_TRANSMISSIBILITY_MODEL ...]]
                          [--incubation-period INCUBATION_PERIOD [INCUBATION_PERIOD ...]]
                          [--repeats REPEATS]
                          [--handle-symptomatic [HANDLE_SYMPTOMATIC [HANDLE_SYMPTOMATIC ...]]]
                          [--infectors [INFECTORS [INFECTORS ...]]]
                          [--interval INTERVAL] [--logfile LOGFILE]
                          [--prop-asym-carriers [PROP_ASYM_CARRIERS [PROP_ASYM_CARRIERS ...]]]
                          [--stop-if [STOP_IF [STOP_IF ...]]]
                          [--leadtime LEADTIME] [--plugin ...] [-j JOBS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --popsize POPSIZE [POPSIZE ...]
                        Size of the population, including the infector that
                        will be introduced at the beginning of the simulation.
                        It should be specified as a single number, or a serial
                        of name=size values for different groups. For example
                        "--popsize nurse=10 patient=100". The names will be
                        used for setting group specific parameters. The IDs of
                        these individuals will be nurse0, nurse1 etc.
  --track-events TRACK_EVENTS [TRACK_EVENTS ...]
                        List events to track, default to track all events.
                        Event START, END, and ERROR will always be tracked.
  --vicinity [VICINITY [VICINITY ...]]
                        Number of "neighbors" from group "B" for individuals
                        in aubpopulation "A", specified as "A-B=n". For
                        example, "A-A=0" avoids infection within group "A",
                        "A-A=10 A-B=5" will make infections twiece as likely
                        to happen within group A then to group B, regardless
                        of size of groups A and B. As specifial cases, 'A=10`
                        etc refers to cases when infection happens from
                        outside of the simulated population (community
                        infection), and "*", "?" and "[]" (range) can be used
                        to refer to multiple groups using the same rules as
                        filename expansion, and !name as "not".
                        Probability of being infected if an infection event
                        happens, default to 1. With options such as "--
                        susceptibility nurse=0.8 patients=1" you can model a
                        scenario when nurses are better prepared and protected
                        than patients.
  --symptomatic-r0 SYMPTOMATIC_R0 [SYMPTOMATIC_R0 ...]
                        Production number of symptomatic infectors, should be
                        specified as a single fixed number, or a range.
                        Multipliers are allowed to specify symptomatic r0 for
                        each group. This parameter reflects the infectivity of
                        virus carrier measured by the average number of
                        individuals one infected individual "would" infect if
                        infectivity is not blocked by for example quarantine
                        and susceptibility of infectees.
  --asymptomatic-r0 ASYMPTOMATIC_R0 [ASYMPTOMATIC_R0 ...]
                        Production number of asymptomatic infectors, should be
                        specified as a single fixed number or a range.
                        Multipliers are allowed to specify asymptomatic r0 for
                        each group.
                        Model used for asymptomatic cases with parameters. The
                        default model normal has a duration of 8 days after
                        incubation, and a peak happens at 2/3 of incubation.
                        The piece wise model has a proportion for the start of
                        infection (relative to incubation period), a
                        proportion for the peak of infectivity ( relative to
                        incubation period), and a range of days after the
                        onset of symptoms. The models should be specified as
                        "normal" (no parameter is allowed), or model name with
                        parameters such as "piecewise 0.1 0.3 7 9".
                        Model used for asymptomatic cases with parameters. The
                        default model normal has a duration of 12 and peaks at
                        4.8 day. The piecewise model has a proportion for the
                        start of infection, a proportion for the peak of
                        infectivity, and a range of days after the infection
                        (no incubation period when compared to the symptomatic
                        case). The models should be specified as "normal" (no
                        parameter is allowed), or model name with parameters
                        such as "piecewise 0.1 0.3 5 7".
                        Incubation period period, should be specified as
                        "lognormal" followed by two numbers as mean and sigma,
                        or "normal" followed by mean and sd. Multipliers are
                        allowed to specify incubation period for each group.
                        Default to "lognormal 1.621 0.418"
  --repeats REPEATS     Number of replicates to simulate. An ID starting from
                        1 will be assinged to each replicate and as the first
                        columns in the log file.
  --handle-symptomatic [HANDLE_SYMPTOMATIC [HANDLE_SYMPTOMATIC ...]]
                        How to handle individuals who show symptom, which
                        should be "keep" (stay in population), "remove"
                        (remove from population), and "quarantine" (put aside
                        until it recovers). all options can be followed by a
                        "proportion", and quarantine can be specified as
                        "quarantine_7" etc to specify duration of quarantine.
                        Default to "remove", meaning all symptomatic cases
                        will be removed from population.
  --infectors [INFECTORS [INFECTORS ...]]
                        Infectees to introduce to the population. If you would
                        like to introduce multiple infectees to the
                        population, or if you have named groups, you will have
                        to specify the IDs of carrier such as --infectors
                        nurse_1 nurse_2.
  --interval INTERVAL   Interval of simulation, default to 1/24, by hour
  --logfile LOGFILE     logfile
  --prop-asym-carriers [PROP_ASYM_CARRIERS [PROP_ASYM_CARRIERS ...]]
                        Proportion of asymptomatic cases. You can specify a
                        fix number, or two numbers as the lower and higher CI
                        (95%) of the proportion. Default to 0.10 to 0.40.
                        Multipliers can be specified to set proportion of
                        asymptomatic carriers for particular groups.
  --stop-if [STOP_IF [STOP_IF ...]]
                        Condition at which the simulation will end. By default
                        the simulation stops when all individuals are affected
                        or all infected individuals are removed. Current you
                        can specify a time after which the simulation will
                        stop in the format of `--stop-if "t>10"' (for 10
  --leadtime LEADTIME   With "leadtime" infections are assumed to happen
                        before the simulation. This option can be a fixed
                        positive number `t` when the infection happens `t`
                        days before current time. If can also be set to 'any'
                        for which the carrier can be any time during its
                        course of infection, or `asymptomatic` for which the
                        leadtime is adjust so that the carrier does not show
                        any symptom at the time point (in incubation period
                        for symptomatic case). All events triggered before
                        current time are ignored.
  --plugin ...          One or more of "--plugin MODULE.PLUGIN [args]" to
                        specify one or more plugins. FLUGIN will be assumed to
                        be MODULE name if left unspecified. Each plugin has
                        its own parser and can parse its own args.
  -j JOBS, --jobs JOBS  Number of process to use for simulation. Default to
                        number of CPU cores.

Specification for group-specific parameters

outbreak_simulator allows the simulation of multiple groups using parameter --popsize. For example,

--popsize A=100 B=200

specifies two groups A and B with sizes 100 and 200 respectively.

Subpopulations can have their own parameters (e.g. --susceptibility) and they are specified by multipliers in the format of

--param [default values] name=multiplier

For example,

--symptomatic-r0 1.5 A=1.2 B=0.8

specifies individuals in group A with symptomatic r0 1.5*1.2 and 1.5*0.8 in group B. 1.5 will be used for unspecified groups.

If you would like to specify value for each group, you can use

--symptomatic-r0 1 A=1.2 B=0.8

but this would not work for parameters that receive more than one values when the multiplier is applied to more than one values.

If there are multiple groups with similar names, wildcard characters *, ? and [range] could be used to specify multiple gorups using shell filename matching rules. For example,

--symptomatic-r0 class*=0.6

can be used to specifymultiplier for class1, class2, etc.

As a special case, you can use all to specify multiplier for the entire population.

Example commands

A small population with the introduction of one carrier

Assuming that there is no asymptomatic carriers, you can introduce one infected carrier to a population of size 64, and observe the development of the outbreak.

$ outbreak_simulator --infector 0  --rep 10000 --prop-asym-carriers 0 \
  --logfile simu_remove_symptomatic.log

You can set the proportion of asymptomatic cases to be from 20% to 60% (vary from replicate to replicate, but the same probability of asymptomatic cases within a simulation) by setting parameters prop-asym-carriers:

$ outbreak_simulator --infector 0  --rep 10000 --prop-asym-carriers .20 .60 \
    --logfile simu_with_asymptomatic.log

You can quarantine the carrier for 7 days, but here you need to use a plugin that applies the policy at time 0

$ outbreak_simulator --infector 0  --rep 10000 --logfile simu_quarantine_7.log \
  --plugin quarantine --at 0 --duration 7

or you can try quarantine for 14 days…

$ outbreak_simulator --infector 0  --rep 10000 --logfile simu_quarantine_15.log \
  --plugin quarantine --at 0 --duration 14

The above simulation assumes that the carriers are infected right before quarantine, which is not really realistic. The following add some leadtime and simulate scenarios that people enters quarantine as long as they do not show symptom.

$ outbreak_simulator --infector 0  --rep 10000 --leadtime asymptomatic \
  --logfile simu_leadtime_quarantine_7.log -j 1 \
  --plugin quarantine --at 0 --duration 7

A larger population

Assuming a population of size 34993 with 85 total cases (in the past few months). Assuming that every case has 4 unreported (asymptomatic etc) cases, there has been 85*5 cases so the population has a seroprevalence of 85*5/34993=0.01214. Assuming 8 weeks outbreak duration and 2 week active window, 1/4 cases would be “active”, so the current incidence rate would be 85*5/4 / 34993 = 0.003036.

Assuming that 75% of all symptomatic cases will be quarantined (hospitalized), the rest would be able to infect others. We simulate only 1 replicate because the population size is large. The command to simulate this population is as follows:

$ outbreak_simulator  --popsize 34993 -j1 --rep 1 --handle-symptomatic quarantine_14 1 \
    --logfile pop_quarantine_all.log  \
    --plugin init --seroprevalence 0.01214 --incidence-rate 0.003036 \
    --plugin stat --interval 1 > pop_quarantine_all.txt

The simulation shows that the last case will recover after 173 days with 4.18% seroprevalence, a total of 1462 cases (29 deaths if we assume 2% fatality rate) at the end of the simulation. Active cases of 104 new cases happens around the 50 days.

However, if people with mild symptoms are not hospitalized (or quarantined) and continue to infect others, the situation will get much worse.

$ outbreak_simulator  --popsize 34993 -j1 --rep 1 --handle-symptomatic quarantine_14 0.75 \
    --logfile pop_quarantine_.75.log  \
    --plugin init --seroprevalence 0.01214 --incidence-rate 0.003036 \
    --plugin stat --interval 1 > pop_quarantine_.75.txt

You can change the R0 value at day 20 to reflect perhaps a government warning that increases social distancing

$ outbreak_simulator  --popsize 34993 -j1 --rep 1 --handle-symptomatic quarantine_14 1 \
    --logfile pop_distancing_at_20.log  \
    --plugin init --seroprevalence 0.01214 --incidence-rate 0.003036 \
    --plugin stat --interval 1 > pop_distancing_at_20.txt \
    --plugin setparam --symptomatic-r0 1.2 2.4 --at 20

Heterogeneous situation

Now, let us assume that we have a population with two groups A and B, be they workers and guest, doctors and patients. Now let us assume that group A is more susceptible (more contact with others), and more infectious. Let us also assume that there is a intermediate inflow of A to the population, half of them would be carriers. This simulation can be written as

$ outbreak_simulator --popsize A=2000 B=500 --rep 10 --handle-symptomatic quarantine_14 1 \
  --susceptibility B=0.8 --symptomatic-r0 A=1.2 B=0.8 --logfile hetero.log \
  --stop-if 't>40' \
  --plugin stat --interval 1 \
  --plugin insert A=5 --prop-of-infected 0.5 --interval 1 \
  > hetero.txt

because the continuous injection of cases, the outbreak will not stop by itself so we have to use --stop-at 't>40' to set the duration of the simulation.

Parameters symptomatic-r0, asymptomatic-r0 and incubation-period can be set to different values for each groups. These are achived by “multipliers”, which multiplies specified values to values drawn from the default distribution.

For example, if in a hospital environment nurses, once affected, tends to have higher R0 because he or she contact more patients, and on the other hand patients are less mobile and should have lower R0. In some cases the nurses are even less protected and are more susceptible. You can run a simulation with two patients carrying the virus with the following options:

$ outbreak_simulator --popsize nurse=10 patient=100 \
    --symptomatic-r0 nurse=1.5 patient=0.8 \
    --asymptomatic-r0 nurse=1.5 patient=0.8 \
    --susceptibility nurse=0.8 patient=1 \
    --infector patient0 patient1