The plugin system

It is very likely that for complex simulations you would have scenarios that are not provided by the core simulator. This simulator has a plug-in system that allows you to define your own functions that would be called by the simulator at specified time or intervals.

Specify one or more plugins from command line

One or more plugins can be specified with option --plugin at the end of the outbreak_simuator command, for example,

outbreak_simulator \
   # regular parameters
   -j 4 \
   # first plugin
   --plugin plugin1 --interval 1 --succ-rate 0.8  \
   # second plugin
   --plugin plugin_name --start 10 --par2 val2 --par3


  1. Each plugin is defined after a --plugin parameter and before another --plugin or the end of command line arguments.
  2. A plugin can be a system plugin that is located under the plugins directory, or a cutomized plugin that you have defined.
  3. Plugins accept a common set of parameters (e.g. --start, --end, --at and --interval) to define when the plugin will be triggered.
  4. The rest of the plugin parameters will be parsed by the plugin themselves

Common paramters of plugins

All plugins accept the following parameters, which indicates when the plugins will be called.

% outbreak_simulator --plugin -h

usage: --plugin [-h] [--disable] [--start START] [--end END]
                [--at [AT [AT ...]]] [--interval INTERVAL]
                [--trigger-by [TRIGGER_BY [TRIGGER_BY ...]]]
                [-v {0,1,2}]

A plugin for covid19-outbreak-simulator

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --disable             Disable the plugin if this parameter is
  --start START         Start time. Default to 0 no parameter is
                        defined so the plugin will be called once at
                        the beginning.
  --end END             End time, default to none, meaning there is no
                        end time.
  --at [AT [AT ...]]    Specific time at which the plugin is applied.
  --interval INTERVAL   Interval at which plugin is applied, it will
                        assume a 0 starting time if --start is left
  --trigger-by [TRIGGER_BY [TRIGGER_BY ...]]
                        Events that triggers this plug in.
  -v {0,1,2}, --verbosity {0,1,2}
                        Set verbosity level of the plugin, default to 1
                        (general), can be set to 0 (warning and error)
                        only, and 2 (more output)

System plugins

Plugin init

% outbreak_simulator --plugin init -h

usage: --plugin init [-h] [--disable] [--start START] [--end END] [--at AT [AT ...]]
                     [--interval INTERVAL]
                     [--trigger-by [TRIGGER_BY [TRIGGER_BY ...]]]
                     [--incidence-rate [INCIDENCE_RATE [INCIDENCE_RATE ...]]]
                     [--seroprevalence [SEROPREVALENCE [SEROPREVALENCE ...]]]
                     [--leadtime LEADTIME]

Initialize population with initial prevalence and seroprevalence

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --disable             Disable the plugin if this parameter is specified.
  --start START         Start time. Default to 0 no parameter is defined so
                        the plugin will be called once at the beginning.
  --end END             End time, default to none, meaning there is no end
  --at AT [AT ...]      Specific time at which the plugin is applied.
  --interval INTERVAL   Interval at which plugin is applied, it will assume a
                        0 starting time if --start is left unspecified.
  --trigger-by [TRIGGER_BY [TRIGGER_BY ...]]
                        Events that triggers this plug in.
  --incidence-rate [INCIDENCE_RATE [INCIDENCE_RATE ...]]
                        Incidence rate of the population (default to zero),
                        which should be the probability that any individual is
                        currently affected with the virus (not necessarily
                        show any symptom). Multipliers can be specified to set
                        incidence rate of for particular groups (e.g.
                        --initial-incidence-rate 0.1 docter=1.2 will set
                        incidence rate to 0.12 for doctors).
  --seroprevalence [SEROPREVALENCE [SEROPREVALENCE ...]]
                        Seroprevalence of the population (default to zero).
                        The seroprevalence should always be greater than or
                        euqal to initial incidence rate. The difference
                        between seroprevalence and incidence rate will
                        determine the "recovered" rate of the population.
                        Multipliers can be specified to set incidence rate of
                        for particular groups (e.g. --initial-incidence-rate
                        0.1 docter=1.2 will set incidence rate to 0.12 for
  --leadtime LEADTIME   With "leadtime" infections are assumed to happen
                        before the simulation. This option can be a fixed
                        positive number `t` when the infection happens `t`
                        days before current time. If can also be set to 'any'
                        for which the carrier can be any time during its
                        course of infection, or `asymptomatic` for which the
                        leadtime is adjust so that the carrier does not show
                        any symptom at the time point (in incubation period
                        for symptomatic case). All events triggered before
                        current time are ignored.

Plugin setparam

% outbreak_simulator --plugin setparam -h

usage: --plugin setparam [-h] [--disable] [--start START] [--end END] [--at AT [AT ...]]
                         [--interval INTERVAL]
                         [--trigger-by [TRIGGER_BY [TRIGGER_BY ...]]]
                         [--susceptibility SUSCEPTIBILITY [SUSCEPTIBILITY ...]]
                         [--symptomatic-r0 SYMPTOMATIC_R0 [SYMPTOMATIC_R0 ...]]
                         [--asymptomatic-r0 ASYMPTOMATIC_R0 [ASYMPTOMATIC_R0 ...]]
                         [--incubation-period INCUBATION_PERIOD [INCUBATION_PERIOD ...]]
                         [--handle-symptomatic [HANDLE_SYMPTOMATIC [HANDLE_SYMPTOMATIC ...]]]
                         [--prop-asym-carriers [PROP_ASYM_CARRIERS [PROP_ASYM_CARRIERS ...]]]

Change parameters of simulation.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --disable             Disable the plugin if this parameter is specified.
  --start START         Start time. Default to 0 no parameter is defined so
                        the plugin will be called once at the beginning.
  --end END             End time, default to none, meaning there is no end
  --at AT [AT ...]      Specific time at which the plugin is applied.
  --interval INTERVAL   Interval at which plugin is applied, it will assume a
                        0 starting time if --start is left unspecified.
  --trigger-by [TRIGGER_BY [TRIGGER_BY ...]]
                        Events that triggers this plug in.
                        Weight of susceptibility. The default value is 1,
                        meaning everyone is equally susceptible. With options
                        such as "--susceptibility nurse=1.2 patients=0.8" you
                        can give weights to different groups of people so that
                        they have higher or lower probabilities to be
  --symptomatic-r0 SYMPTOMATIC_R0 [SYMPTOMATIC_R0 ...]
                        Production number of symptomatic infectors, should be
                        specified as a single fixed number, or a range, and/or
                        multipliers for different groups such as A=1.2. For
                        example "--symptomatic-r0 1.4 2.8 nurse=1.2" means a
                        general R0 ranging from 1.4 to 2.8, while nursed has a
                        range from 1.4*1.2 and 2.8*1.2.
  --asymptomatic-r0 ASYMPTOMATIC_R0 [ASYMPTOMATIC_R0 ...]
                        Production number of asymptomatic infectors, should be
                        specified as a single fixed number, or a range and/or
                        multipliers for different groups
                        Incubation period period, should be specified as
                        "lognormal" followed by two numbers as mean and sigma,
                        or "normal" followed by mean and sd, and/or
                        multipliers for different groups. Default to
                        "lognormal 1.621 0.418"
  --handle-symptomatic [HANDLE_SYMPTOMATIC [HANDLE_SYMPTOMATIC ...]]
                        How to handle individuals who show symptom, which
                        should be "keep" (stay in population), "remove"
                        (remove from population), and "quarantine" (put aside
                        until it recovers). all options can be followed by a
                        "proportion", and quarantine can be specified as
                        "quarantine_7" etc to specify duration of quarantine.
                        Default to "remove", meaning all symptomatic cases
                        will be removed from population.
  --prop-asym-carriers [PROP_ASYM_CARRIERS [PROP_ASYM_CARRIERS ...]]
                        Proportion of asymptomatic cases. You can specify a
                        fix number, or two numbers as the lower and higher CI
                        (95%) of the proportion. Default to 0.10 to 0.40.
                        Multipliers can be specified to set proportion of
                        asymptomatic carriers for particular groups.

Plugin stat

usage: --plugin stat [-h] [--disable] [--start START] [--end END] [--at AT [AT ...]]
                     [--interval INTERVAL]
                     [--trigger-by [TRIGGER_BY [TRIGGER_BY ...]]]

Print STAT information

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --disable             Disable the plugin if this parameter is specified.
  --start START         Start time. Default to 0 no parameter is defined so
                        the plugin will be called once at the beginning.
  --end END             End time, default to none, meaning there is no end
  --at AT [AT ...]      Specific time at which the plugin is applied.
  --interval INTERVAL   Interval at which plugin is applied, it will assume a
                        0 starting time if --start is left unspecified.
  --trigger-by [TRIGGER_BY [TRIGGER_BY ...]]
                        Events that triggers this plug in.

Plugin sample

usage: --plugin sample [-h] [--disable] [--start START] [--end END] [--at AT [AT ...]]
                       [--interval INTERVAL]
                       [--trigger-by [TRIGGER_BY [TRIGGER_BY ...]]]
                       (--proportion PROPORTION | --size SIZE)

Draw random sample from the population

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --disable             Disable the plugin if this parameter is specified.
  --start START         Start time. Default to 0 no parameter is defined so
                        the plugin will be called once at the beginning.
  --end END             End time, default to none, meaning there is no end
  --at AT [AT ...]      Specific time at which the plugin is applied.
  --interval INTERVAL   Interval at which plugin is applied, it will assume a
                        0 starting time if --start is left unspecified.
  --trigger-by [TRIGGER_BY [TRIGGER_BY ...]]
                        Events that triggers this plug in.
  --proportion PROPORTION
                        Proprotion of the population to sample.
  --size SIZE           Number of individuals to sample.

Plugin insert

% outbreak_simulator --plugin insert -h

usage: --plugin insert [-h] [--disable] [--start START] [--end END] [--at AT [AT ...]]
                       [--interval INTERVAL]
                       [--trigger-by [TRIGGER_BY [TRIGGER_BY ...]]]
                       [--prop-of-infected PROP_OF_INFECTED]
                       [--leadtime LEADTIME]
                       popsize [popsize ...]

insert new individuals to the population

positional arguments:
  popsize               Population size, which should only add to existing

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --disable             Disable the plugin if this parameter is specified.
  --start START         Start time. Default to 0 no parameter is defined so
                        the plugin will be called once at the beginning.
  --end END             End time, default to none, meaning there is no end
  --at AT [AT ...]      Specific time at which the plugin is applied.
  --interval INTERVAL   Interval at which plugin is applied, it will assume a
                        0 starting time if --start is left unspecified.
  --trigger-by [TRIGGER_BY [TRIGGER_BY ...]]
                        Events that triggers this plug in.
  --prop-of-infected PROP_OF_INFECTED
                        Proportion of infected. Default to 1, meaning all are
  --leadtime LEADTIME   With "leadtime" infections are assumed to happen
                        before the simulation. This option can be a fixed
                        positive number `t` when the infection happens `t`
                        days before current time. If can also be set to 'any'
                        for which the carrier can be any time during its
                        course of infection, or `asymptomatic` for which the
                        leadtime is adjust so that the carrier does not show
                        any symptom at the time point (in incubation period
                        for symptomatic case). All events triggered before
                        current time are ignored.

Plugin remove

% outbreak_simulator --plugin remove -h

usage: --plugin remove [-h] [--disable] [--start START] [--end END] [--at AT [AT ...]]
                       [--interval INTERVAL]
                       [--trigger-by [TRIGGER_BY [TRIGGER_BY ...]]]
                       popsize [popsize ...]

remove individuals from the population

positional arguments:
  popsize               Number of individuals to be removed, which can be from the
                        entire population, or from specific groups (e.g.
                        nurse=10) if there are groups.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --disable             Disable the plugin if this parameter is specified.
  --start START         Start time. Default to 0 no parameter is defined so the plugin
                        will be called once at the beginning.
  --end END             End time, default to none, meaning there is no end time.
  --at AT [AT ...]      Specific time at which the plugin is applied.
  --interval INTERVAL   Interval at which plugin is applied, it will assume a 0 starting
                        time if --start is left unspecified.
  --trigger-by [TRIGGER_BY [TRIGGER_BY ...]]
                        Events that triggers this plug in.

Plugin move

% outbreak_simulator --plugin move -h
usage: --plugin move [-h] [--disable] [--start START] [--end END]
                     [--at [AT [AT ...]]] [--interval INTERVAL]
                     [--trigger-by [TRIGGER_BY [TRIGGER_BY ...]]]
                     [-v {0,1,2}] [-t TO]
                     IDs [IDs ...]

move individuals from one subpopulation to another.

positional arguments:
  IDs                   IDs of individuals to be moved.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --disable             Disable the plugin if this parameter is specified.
  --start START         Start time. Default to 0 no parameter is defined
                        so the plugin will be called once at the
  --end END             End time, default to none, meaning there is no end
  --at [AT [AT ...]]    Specific time at which the plugin is applied.
  --interval INTERVAL   Interval at which plugin is applied, it will
                        assume a 0 starting time if --start is left
  --trigger-by [TRIGGER_BY [TRIGGER_BY ...]]
                        Events that triggers this plug in.
  -v {0,1,2}, --verbosity {0,1,2}
                        Set verbosity level of the plugin, default to 1
                        (general), can be set to 0 (warning and error)
                        only, and 2 (more output)
  -t TO, --to TO        Name of the subpopulation of the destination.

Plugin quarantine

usage: --plugin quarantine [-h] [--disable] [--start START] [--end END]
                           [--at AT [AT ...]] [--interval INTERVAL]
                           [--trigger-by [TRIGGER_BY [TRIGGER_BY ...]]]
                           [--proportion [PROPORTION [PROPORTION ...]]]
                           [--target {infected,all}] [--duration DURATION]
                           [IDs [IDs ...]]

Quarantine specified or all infected individuals for specified durations.

positional arguments:
  IDs                   IDs of individuals to quarantine.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --disable             Disable the plugin if this parameter is specified.
  --start START         Start time. Default to 0 no parameter is defined
                        so the plugin will be called once at the
  --end END             End time, default to none, meaning there is no end
  --at AT [AT ...]      Specific time at which the plugin is applied.
  --interval INTERVAL   Interval at which plugin is applied, it will
                        assume a 0 starting time if --start is left
  --trigger-by [TRIGGER_BY [TRIGGER_BY ...]]
                        Events that triggers this plug in.
  --proportion [PROPORTION [PROPORTION ...]]
                        Proportion of individuals or active cases
                        (parameter --who) to quarantine. Default to all,
                        but can be set to a lower value to indicate
                        incomplete quarantine. This option does not apply
                        to cases when IDs are explicitly specified.
                        Multipliers are allowed to specify proportions for
                        each subpopulation.
  --target {infected,all}
                        Who to quarantine, which can be "infected"
                        (default) which are people who are currently
                        infected and not recovered, and "all" which are
                        all people specified.
  --duration DURATION   Days of quarantine

Plugin testing

% outbreak_simulator --plugin testing -h

usage: --plugin testing [-h] [--disable] [--start START] [--end END]
                        [--at [AT [AT ...]]] [--interval INTERVAL]
                        [--trigger-by [TRIGGER_BY [TRIGGER_BY ...]]]
                        [--proportion PROPORTION [PROPORTION ...]]
                        [--sensitivity SENSITIVITY [SENSITIVITY ...]]
                        [--specificity SPECIFICITY]
                        [--turnaround-time TURNAROUND_TIME]
                        [--handle-positive HANDLE_POSITIVE]
                        [IDs [IDs ...]]

PCR-based test that can pick out all active cases.

positional arguments:
  IDs                   IDs of individuals to test. Parameter "proportion"
                        will be ignored with specified IDs for testing

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --disable             Disable the plugin if this parameter is specified.
  --start START         Start time. Default to 0 no parameter is defined so
                        the plugin will be called once at the beginning.
  --end END             End time, default to none, meaning there is no end
  --at [AT [AT ...]]    Specific time at which the plugin is applied.
  --interval INTERVAL   Interval at which plugin is applied, it will assume a
                        0 starting time if --start is left unspecified.
  --trigger-by [TRIGGER_BY [TRIGGER_BY ...]]
                        Events that triggers this plug in.
  --proportion PROPORTION [PROPORTION ...]
                        Proportion of individuals to test. Individuals who are
                        tested positive will by default be quarantined.
                        Multipliers are allowed to specify proportion of tests
                        for each group.
  --sensitivity SENSITIVITY [SENSITIVITY ...]
                        Sensitibity of the test. Individuals who carry the
                        virus will have this probability to be detected. If a
                        second paramter is set, it is intepreted as a Limit of
                        Detection value in terms of transmissibility
                        probability. The overall sensibility will be lower
                        with a positive LOD value so it is advised to perform
                        a test run to obtain the true sensitivity.
  --specificity SPECIFICITY
                        Specificity of the test. Individuals who do not carry
                        the virus will have this probability to be tested
  --turnaround-time TURNAROUND_TIME
                        Time interval from the time of submission of process
                        to the time of the completion of the process.
  --handle-positive HANDLE_POSITIVE
                        How to handle individuals who are tested positive,
                        which should be "keep" (do not do anything), "remove"
                        (remove from population), and "quarantine" (put aside
                        until it recovers). Quarantine can be specified as
                        "quarantine_7" etc to specify duration of quarantine.
                        Individuals that are already in quarantine will
                        continue to be quarantined. Default to "remove",
                        meaning all symptomatic cases will be removed from

Plugin community_infection

This plugin models community infection where everyone has a pre-specified probabilty of getting affected. The probability will be multiplies by population-specific susceptibility values if option --susceptibility is specified.

% outbreak_simulator --plugin community_infection -h

usage: --plugin community_infection [-h] [--disable] [--start START]
                                 [--end END] [--at AT [AT ...]]
                                 [--interval INTERVAL]
                                 [--trigger-by [TRIGGER_BY [TRIGGER_BY ...]]]
                                 [--probability PROBABILITY [PROBABILITY ...]]

Community infection that infect everyone in the population randomly.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --disable             Disable the plugin if this parameter is specified.
  --start START         Start time. Default to 0 no parameter is defined
                        so the plugin will be called once at the
  --end END             End time, default to none, meaning there is no end
  --at AT [AT ...]      Specific time at which the plugin is applied.
  --interval INTERVAL   Interval at which plugin is applied, it will
                        assume a 0 starting time if --start is left
  --trigger-by [TRIGGER_BY [TRIGGER_BY ...]]
                        Events that triggers this plug in.
  --probability PROBABILITY [PROBABILITY ...]
                        The probability of anyone to be affected at a
                        given interval, which is usually per day (with
                        option --interval 1). Multipliers are allowed to
                        specify probability for each group. If individuals
                        have different susceptibility specified by option
                        --susceptibility, the probability will be
                        multiplied by the susceptibility multipliers, The
                        infection events do not have to cause actual
                        infection because the individual might be in
                        quarantine, or has been infected. The default
                        value of this parameter is 0.005. Note that
                        individuals currently in quarantine will not be
                        affected by community infection.

Implementation of plugins

Implementation wise, the plugins should be written as Python classes that

  1. Drive from outbreak_simulator.BasePlugin and calls its __init__ function. This will point self.simulator, and self.logger of the plugin to the simulator, population, and logger of the simulator. simulator has properties such as simu_args, params, and model so you can access command line simulator arguments, model parameters, and change simulation model (e.g. parameters).

  2. Provide as member function:

  • get_parser() (optional): a function that extends the base parser to add plugin specific arguments.

  • apply(time, population, args) (required): A function that accepts parameters time (time when the plugin is called) and args (plugin args).

The plugin can change the status of the population or simulation parameters, write to system log simulator.logger or write to its own output files. It should return a list of events that can happen at a later time, or an empty list indicating no future event is triggered.

The base class will handle the logics when the plugin will be executed (parameters --start, --end, --interval --at and --trigger-by). Please check the plugins directory for examples on how to write plugins for the simulator.